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How We Started

Updated: Sep 23, 2020

When we were littler kids, we always wanted to babysit to help our parents make money, because they really needed it. One day, when we were playing outside of our yard, we noticed pets we didn't recognize in our neighbors yard. "did you get new pets?" my sister asked curiously. But our friend said "no, im a pet-sitter!". We asked to join her for the day and we loved it, seeing and meeting new people, and animals, we had a blast! and from that day forward, we dedicated ourselves to pet-sitting. We have never done pet sitting before, except for that day of course! We knew one day we would create our own website and make our own money. Though, we had no idea it would be as hard as it is to even start! We hope that one day our business will be flowing with customers, and workers hoping to be hired, about a year ago we tried to start this business but failed due to moving and other family problems going on. We hope that this time our business is successful this time.

Our strength here is a big yard, Our brothers, who love to play with other animals; though, they are not applied in this business, and finally our parents, who have helped us the most they can in supporting us to start this business.

Our weakness here is not becoming popular enough to keep the business up and going, or an animal getting into a fight with another animal. We ask that you book an appointment with us, and prevent us from gaining weaknesses. Thank you for your time.

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